Благотворительный фонд ОТКРОЙ СЕРДЦЕ"> Church Signs
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Church Signs

Church Signs There are places on the planet where the earth seemed imbued with a miracle. Where the air itself seems to possess healing powers, and out of the ground beat springs of living water. Crimea itself - one of those very places. Temple of the Mother of God "The Omen" - one of his most important shrines.

Unusual type church, built of rubble stone, rectangular shape. Only modest pediments adorn the facade. For a long history, it was reconstructed several times, but most importantly - its unique aura - still preserved.

Signs of Church History begins in the days of the early Christians, as evidenced by the presence in it "the altar in the sanctuary" - a small room covered with a spherical dome mounted on a special "embedded stones." The first time it almost totally destroyed the Huns, but later, in the 6th century, during the Byzantine rule, restored Christians. At the same time, to protect people from new military attacks, the builders dug an underground passage to the mountain to the monastery - it should be retained until the present time.

In 1330, the church began to rebuild the Armenians emigrated here. Church began to revive again, but alas, again not for long: in 1779 the entire Christian population of the Crimea were resettled, the village and the church emptied. Only with the arrival of Russian soldiers here it began again worship. At the same time, according to legend, the commander of the cavalry regiment donated temple ancient icon of Our Lady of "The Omen", and from the old Armenian church was built of stone Orthodox Church. In 1864, it expanded the extension of two aisles, and 5 years later to finish the tower.

The next test that befell the temple fell to the communist era: in 1959 the church was closed again, ostensibly because of "emergency condition of the building." Over many decades of neglect collapsed bell tower and porch. It would have died a temple, if in 1994 the people again did not turn to faith. Gradually, by the parishioners, the church began to recover again. Was almost entirely gutted order suffered from fires building communism. Miraculously preserved ancient fresco depicting the Savior praying, a small cave under the altar sacristy, a fragment of Armenian cross-stone (carved in stone blossoming cross), but might bogougodnikov (St. Agapito and Mary Magdalene, who, according to legend, was repeatedly villagers) are reminiscent of the history of this building, so unique, miraculous aura that is felt immediately, just crossed the threshold.

Healing power of sacred space is distributed over the entire valley, which is the church: water from dug close to the source, they say, well helps with diseases of the eyes and skin. That's only recently become water in it to dry, but it is and further restoration of the temple, depends only on us: to be on this holy place, will finally restored church reborn whether the source or sink into oblivion, once again as in the Tatar yoke.

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